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Curious about where are dogs come from?

One of our most frequently asked questions is, "Where do your dogs come from?" So we thought we'd fill you in... There's no single way that dogs come into Bald is Beautiful. Their journeys have many different beginnings, but hopefully one happy end-- a forever home.
Often times, we get a call from an animal shelter that has received one or more hairless dogs. It's a breed less familiar to them, and frequently the shelters are unable to meet their special skin and nutrition needs. Dogs like Owen, Kevin, Leah, Violet, Sheena and many others started their journeys in shelters either after being dumped by a breeder or turned in by an owner.
Occasionally an owner contacts us to surrender the dog directly to us. Their reasons vary and are always personal, but in the end, they can no longer care for the dog. When that happens, the owner is basically signing all rights to the dog over to Bald is Beautiful, entrusting us to find their pet the best possible new home. In these situations, we are often fortunate to receive thorough veterinary records along with the dog.
Some of our most challenging rescues have come from hoarder/breeder surrenders.
They are challenging not only because they involve taking in many dogs at once, but because the dogs have emotional and behavioral challenges we must address in foster care before they can be placed in a forever home. The Arkansas 7 (October, 2010, the Texas 10 (June, 2011). the Orangeburg 7 (Feb, 2013), the NC17 (May, 2013), the Kentucky 11 (July, 2014), the VA11 (Sept, 2016), and the TX22 (13+9 in August and Sept, 2018) are seven such groups. Dogs like Ranger Bob, Mac, Oakley. Guinevere, Audrey Grace (pictured above, right) and many others come to us damaged and needing tremendous love and patience.